
Video: My students say hello.

December 16th was the Kazakhstani day of Independence. About a hundred people gathered outside in front of city hall to watch Kazakh dancers, students singing, and awards being given out. I had to memorize and recite a brief speech in Kazakh to the crowd with a microphone. It was not too bad. I was awarded a stuffed camel doll. It was hilarious, though, watching these people stand in the freezing cold (I was with them). Everyone kept slightly walking in place to keep their blood flowing. I just couldn't understand why they'd gather outside when it's 0 degrees.

My school has no heat so I (and other teachers) have already started to wear scarves and gloves while we teach. I see my breath when I teach. Jealous?

I'm really tired today. I had to make multiple trips carrying buckets full of our leftovers to a nearby friend's apartment for their cow to eat. I still don't know about my living situation. People are afraid to give me updates and explain the details to me. I think I'll be able to stay here in this perfect apartment for a maximum of 4 months (under new conditions). I was talking about eventually living alone in later months and some people said there are no available apartments nearby. This could turn into a problem because I'm not interested in looking for another family in May. I'd like my own place.

The photos in the previous post are of this backstreet boy-ish band of Kazakhstan that I saw. I met them backstage, which was kinda cool, though the venue was basically a high school auditorium and the singers had beer bellies.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12/19/2009

    i love your kids they're so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
